H.O.M.E. Classes is a unique and exciting opportunity for homeschooled students whose parents wish to educate their children at home.
“We believe partnering with parents to provide an excellent, Christ-centered education is a privilege!”
H.O.M.E. Classes is a unique and exciting opportunity for homeschooling parents and students. We believe partnering with parents to provide an excellent, Christ-centered education to be a privilege! The reason we say partnering is because we whole-heartedly believe and acknowledge the parents, as the final authority, are completely responsible for their children’s education.
All incoming 7th-12th grade students must complete the following before admission is granted:
We are dedicated to helping families educate their children at home. It is our endeavor to provide affordable, academic instruction in a Christ-centered atmosphere to home schooled students, and to inspire in them a love for learning. The parents of our students are ultimately accountable for the instruction, education, and training of their children as the Bible clearly stipulates in Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
H.O.M.E. Classes is a tool which will enhance your level of success!
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