In the summer of 2008, when my children were ready to enter high school, I began to feel the pressures of facing the high school years; of needing to have the ability to teach my children high school math, science, and such. As we began praying about these pressures, I realized there was a trend among homeschooling families. Many of them were facing the same decisions that we were; having to choose between enrolling our children in school or finding some other way to continue educating our high school age children at home. My husband and I truly believed homeschooling was God’s plan for our family. With that being the case and the fact that so many parents were praying, I believe God showed me a way and that way was H.O.M.E. Classes!
We believe partnering with parents to provide an excellent, Christ-centered education to be a privilege! The reason we say partnering is because we whole-heartedly believe the parents are completely responsible for their child’s education and we fully aknowledge the parents as the final authority in their child’s eduation. The “instructor’ is the facilitator of learning for the subject being taught. Even though the instructor keeps academic records for their classes, the parents have the final authority to modify their child’s grades according to their experiences with their child at home.